What Is The Definition Of Love? Mars Symbolism

Hello and welcome to another episode of Clarissa Explains it all. Thank you so much for joining me in this space where we get the opportunity to spend some time together and explore the concepts of love. I am here for another week to give an insight into life and love as inspired by the movement in astrology, and the topic to be explored this week will be the journey of Mars. Oh yes, we will be tapping into love from the view of the masculine, becoming aware of how this energy appears in ourselves and the people around us.

What could be the masculine intention and purpose that serves within us? For a woman, showing her conscious and unconscious version of love, drive and passion that is embodied in her masculine, and her pursuits, creating the will behind the actions she considers important.

In this brief window that we have, we can introduce an understanding of how masculine love takes shape in our lives. Where does the drive of our masculine consciousness often show up? Is it projected onto somebody else, or even reflected into our environment somewhere, energetically serving the needs of Mars? Gaining more understanding within the search of knowledge we have already known regarding ourselves and love, our heart feels one way yet the drive in our desires can feel another. They may not feel the same, so which feeling leads us in love?

This week tells a love story of Mars and how Mars defines love. Depicted as a man who is having an internal wrestle with himself, between, being the naturally spirited warrior he feels to be, and the humble husband that has to show reliability in his home, and in the expectation of the people around him.

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What does ♂ mean? What is the Mars Symbol?

The Mars symbol (♂) is a depiction of a circle with an arrow emerging from it, either pointing upwards towards north or at an angle to the upper right. The two versions of this symbol for Mars represents the shield and the spear and is also similarly used to represent the metal iron.

Venus does♀mean? What is the symbol for Venus?

The female symbol is depicted as the Venus symbol (♀), which was originally used as the symbol for Copper, ruled by Venus, known for embodying the nurturing of women and youthfulness, as it is considered and used as a healing metal in ancient and modern culture. Venus, the Goddess of love, sex, beauty, and fertility, is characterised with charisma, feminine beauty, artistic creativity, affection, caring, and balance. The Venus symbol was later associated with the goddess hand mirror, reflecting the beauty of feminity. 

What is Mars symbolism?

Firstly, I just want to give you insight into Mars and what Mars symbolism represents. As we know, Mars is the red planet, and we even the colour red create symbolism associated with Mars, often signifying heat and passion fuel emotions, all in their opposing extremes. Love, passion, desire can become strength, power, danger and war. The colour red enhances our metabolism, increasing our respiration rate, raising our blood pressure. Mars, who was observed as the God of war in ancient mythology, would practice a mindset of power, rejecting anything regarded as weak. It is the entity that goes into the battle with no mind on anything other than having the upper hand and winning. In another sense, Mars can be regarded as an influential and powerful strategic military leader, being skilled in the art of war, having the ultimate plan to defeat the enemy.

What is Mars in Astrology?

Mars in astrology is the active strength reflected in our energetic drive, shown in the art of our passions, in the protective emotion we have regarding our the beliefs, and shows in the fight for the things we desire and chase. Mars gives a sense of motivational movement, and obviously, it represents the masculine energy, found within us all. Mars is so known in its affiliation with masculine characteristics that the Mars symbol is also used as the male symbol.

When we tie masculinity to the anatomy of men, from puberty men, have the ability to continuously make babies for the whole of their lives. Women, as the defining body of creating and growing life, are born with our ovaries, and our anatomy can only create babies using a biologically step-by-step plan.

Men can constantly action their part into creation, just by widening their options regarding female partnerships. Back to the masculine, this is a connection made between the ability to create through passionate actions, that moves faster than the feminine intention, using the process of multiplicity, which creates a sense of dominance.

What does Mars represent in the Birth Chart? What is my mars sign?

The symbol of Mars in a birth chart can show where a persons drive is often focused, how it is used in their environment and how it functions. Mars is considered a leader and be a leader, there has to have a magnetism, so in connections, it shows our relationship with masculine attraction. For a woman, it shows the type masculine we attract, what we project as the masculine in our partner, and where we search for the masculine in our environment. Also showing, where we play out own masculinity, how we use it within ourselves, the part of her that shows her drive.

Use Astro-Charts, Birth Chart Calendar to discover where your Mars (♂) is placed in your chart

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What does Mars in Pisces mean for us? May to June 2020

The water zodiac sign Pisces, in all its watery emotion, made Mars during May, June, and our journey through 2020 feel as though we were running through water. The effort it takes to tread through the water continuously as has made many people feeling frustrations. However, it has created a massive insight into how prepared people are for the unexpected, how good we are at swimming in an ocean filled with emotions, and considering why we needed these lessons. Now the movement of the energy is going into an environment that energetically feels right at home, moving from Mars in Pisces, where we had the opportunity to search within and become in touch with ourselves, to Mars in Aries. 2020 became a symbol of gaining a knowing that there is higher than us as human beings. There have been key parts in the awakening of enlightenment, that has connected us to a world that we feel, rather see. Some of those feelings have been uncomfortable.

What will it feel like from Mars in Pisces to Mars is in Aries? July 2020

Imagine that you are in the ocean, just swimming, no sight of land and yet you continue to swim, not really sure of where you are swimming too, only connecting to the hope that it is in the right direction. Then someone comes along with a speedboat, and it is a nice speed boat. Instantly we recognise the change in how our emotions will feel being in that speedboat, rather than in the ocean. The anticipation of knowing that we will be able to feel the heat of the Sun that will dry our water consumed clothes. Knowing we will soon have the feeling of dynamic energy that allows us the focus on an image of the future.

Do you think you and your partner share the same values? When her Mars is in Aries.

What is this has meant for relationships and partnerships, the feminine has felt there has not been enough assertiveness in the dynamics between masculine and feminine. She has been grateful for the shared space where thoughts are together, getting in touch with our deeper emotional needs. A contemplation about our feelings and how we make each other feel when we are in space that creates an emerging and blurring of roles. Unfortunately, those words have no association or indication of being related to action. In terms of movement, igniting a start or having a continuation of expressing dynamic love, it has not felt that way, this could have led to some relationships being on the brink of separation. 

The space to contemplate our more profound thoughts, combined with the submerging of emotions and roles, has brought a feeling of needing to detach. For some, it created an emotional awareness of the long term, now the feelings are untied, no longer held by weight of the hidden. It has just been this way for too long, but Mars still has to adjust, so there will not be a fast no change, it is just an introduction to the feeling go change.

What does Mars in Aries mean for us? June 27 to June 2020

As Mars moves into the masculine symbols associated with Aries, it has to understand there is a transition, from coming out of the space where we saw the world underwater, using everything we had to keep moving, guided by hope and accompanied by imagination. To then trying to find the strength to climb up into the speedboat, metaphorically, begin to see the actual world and what is truly going with eyes that can see clearly.

Already the preparation of the energy needed to get into the speedboat, brought a realisation of what happened, the way living felt. The overemphasis on the self-analysing inner relationship and the love we needed for ourselves created an imbalance in our environmental relationships so acute in its pivot that there was a loss. He, like Mars, does not take loss well and wants it back. Mixed with the thought of breathing new air brings symbols of clarity into a new sense of purpose, into the known, introduces an understanding that we may never be the same again. However, we can make our world look so brilliantly different, a new remoulding of life, and he knows where his heart is, where his love is, so he aims to go after it.

In the smallest sense, this could be a guy who wants to speak to his lady, she feels as though the way his love was expressed will not change, he believes it can change and work in the new. The larger sense, within the UK, we have a relationship with our memories now serving as symbols of our experiences, and change, from feeling stagnation to force.

How will it feel when Mars is in Aries? August 2020

This new transitioning dynamic where it is all about connecting to symbols of creating heat filled activities is starting with a moderate momentum. We would do well to remember about the transition from being held in water. How the body feels when heavily consumed by the weight of the ocean, the energy and action taken to climb into the speedboat may not be graceful. The removal of fluidity from the mind to a sense of heat can make some ideas comparable to the transition of water meeting with fire, creating steam and meaning some ideas in will transition into hot air. Reflecting into the dynamics of relationships, where the feminine feels as those her partner’s ideal is based in hot air. Even regarding herself and her connection to her masculine, she may feel that her drive is short-lived until she can get into an energetic focus, based on her passions.

There needs to be consideration of the adjustment, as we are coming from a space that felt heavy, only having a small range of abilities that used all our strength in circumstances where there was no end in sight. Now, we have to re-train our bodily functions to connect with the needs of the emerging heat, where we feel its warmth increase bit by bit. And in this new approaching environment, we have to use the energy of Mars, so it serves a strategic plan, rather than try to be a dominating authority.

What is Mars in Aries Retrograde?

For the UK, Mars will go into retrograde on September 11, 2020, at sitting 28° Aries until November 13, 2020, positioned at 15° Aries.

So now we have found our footing, boarded the metaphorical speedboat, found a sit and have adjusted our position to be comfortable, we can start getting into a less emotional mindset and into the heat of action. We take the opportunity to see how we can make a new route in our intended direction, our goals, however, the person who came with the speedboat is tired and requests a nap. For some, they ask you to steer while they sleep, and although exhausted, there is no hesitation, of course, we will steer the boat. It cannot be that hard, can it? There must be an instruction book? No? No worries, we can work out, we are sensible. So we steer.

We realise straight away what an effort it takes just to move, the body is still waterlogged, it has been consumed by the emotions of life. The body does not yet have the same strength that connects to the actions of the mind, so we will do our best and decide to steer straight. However, we are still sailing on the ocean, the ride will not be smooth at times. Then the boat shakes and awakens the person, who asks, “Is everything ok?” “Do you know what you are doing?” And from that one comment, it introduces the first signs of heat, only it is still connected to the feelings in our deep emotions, the response is delivered with force, not love. That one comment highlights everything we have been feeling about our inability to move forward, showing vulnerability about the page in our history that we once held secure. Once we focus on breathing, in our actions, we hold ourself with dignity and continue steering.

How will it feel when Mars is in Aries? November 2020

How this relates to our relationships is that we have to pay attention to the emotions fueling our intentions. There may be doubts about our motives, the feminine may question why the masculine has chosen a mindset that will lead to their experience together being lead a particular direction. Within herself, a consideration that more time spent on learning would mean less time on being counterproductive to her own drive. As it is not always going to be a smooth ride, our passengers or those around us may question our authority to drive, compounding the need to sail the speed boat with caution until experience is gained. It just means we will need to learn to approach the journey a bit more slowly, ensuring we have instructions or guidance to navigate, becoming sturdy enough to cut through an environment that is still based in the emotions of the ocean.

How can we control Mars in astrology? December 2020

So now we have found our footing, boarded the metaphorical speedboat, found a sit and have adjusted our position to be comfortable, we can start getting into a less emotional mindset and into the heat of action. We take the opportunity to see how we can make a new route in our intended direction, our goals, however, the person who came with the speedboat is tired and requests a nap. For some, they ask you to steer while they sleep, and although exhausted, there is no hesitation, of course, we will steer the boat. It cannot be that hard, can it? There must be an instruction book? No? No worries, we can work out, we are sensible. So we steer.

The wind feels refreshing, the Sun feels emulating, and in the feeling of such a different space than before, we realise that there are other speedboats on the ocean. WOW, I am not alone, this direction is popular. Mars is never alone, you never see just one soldier, it has to be a whole force with the same mindset to go in a forward direction. We naturally think, of course, we are all individuals, people with our own visions that are important in the journey; however, we just met, so who will be the leader, especially when others are suggesting to go in their way. Relating to ourselves, and going towards our heart’s desire, we have to consider what is best for our journey, looking at our own forward-thinking and strategy while considering the route others will take. Allowing compromise to work together in unison can create an even better strategy, that everyone benefits from.

How does Mars influence us? January 2021

There is an importance of having those who are like-minded around us and having the information to create a definitive plan, where each voice is heard, generating positivity for the future, alleviating the sensitivity that had been holding us.

Mars, as a strategic force reminds me of the blue flame of the Bunsen burner, I have a poem inspired by the blue flame. The blue flame looks so cool due to its colour, yet, its temperature is cooler on the inside. The hottest part of the flame occurs the outside and is the most powerful over other fires—Reminiscent of the Sagittarius zodiac sign as it is the last fire sign, understanding the most about what it means to be fuelled by fire; however it is very controlled. It is unrecognisably wild, only in the way it moves when connected to other materials, indicts its nature as a contagious force.

Relating to us, instead of wanting to be the burn through life with no consideration, will be filled with a sense purpose that contains an overpowering heat. Using this heat to breakdown elements, creating a transmutation where solutions are often based, and even new concepts of love are discovered, adding to the intention of going towards our hearts desire.

What are the meanings and symbolism of the planets?

The Sun (☉ ☼), ruler of Gold, is represented as a shield with a circle inside. In astrology, the Sun is the ruler of Leo.

Mercury (☿) ruler of the liquid metal Mercury (or quicksilver), is represented as the head and winged cap of Mercury. In astrology, Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo.

Venus (♀) ruler of Copper, is represented as the Goddess mirror and symbol of femininity. In astrology, Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra.

Earth (⨁ ♁), is represented as a globe divided into four quarters. One line straight represents the equator, and the other represents the median between east and west. Also representing the four sacred elements in life (Water, Fire, Earth and Air) and the four spirits of direction (North, South, East and West), portrayed in many ancient cultures. In astrology, the Earth represent us as human beings, the environment around us, and our relationship with our conscious point of view. In Astrology, the earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Moon (☾) ruler of Silver, is represented as a crescent, the first quarter of the lunar phase, identified by shape we see in the sky at night. In astrology, the Moon is the ruler of Cancer.

Mars (♂ ) ruler of Iron, is represented as the shield and the spear. In astrology, Mars is the ruler of Aries and old the ruler of Scorpio.

Jupiter (♃) ruler of Tin, is represented as a hieroglyphic symbol of the eagle, or Jove’s bird. The eagle is considered Jupiter’s primary sacred animal as it has superiority over other birds. Jove is another name for Jupiter, observed as the King of Gods in ancient mythologies. In astrology, Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and old the ruler of Pisces.

Saturn (♄) ruler of Lead, is represented as an ancient scythe (a short-handed tool with a large curved blade) or sickle (a long-handed tool with a large longward blade). In astrology, the Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and old the ruler of Aquarius.

Uranus (⛢ ♅ ) ruler of Zinc, is represented by a symbol combination of the Sun and the spear of Mars. In astrology, the Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius.

Neptune (♆) ruler of Cobalt, is represented as the trident of Neptune, observed as the God of waters in ancient mythologies, and the subconscious mind. In astrology, Neptune is the ruler of Pisces.

Pluto (♇) ruler of Bismuth, is represented as a monogram of Percival Lowell initials, an American businessman, mathematician, author, astronomer who predicted the discovery of Pluto in the early 20th century. In astrology, the Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio.

Thank you so much for joining me

For a voice connection, you can join me on my podcast Clarissa K Explains It All at iTunes or Spotify, and I look forward to connecting with you next week, where I will interpreting the journey of Mars and Venus, this is the focus on relationships and sex in the Cancer season.

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Love Always

Clarissa K

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