A Chat With Friends: Jules Pierre – What is Friendship?

Friendship is the result of how we feel when we care about the relationship between ourselves and another person. That relationship is bound by a level of trust and loyalty, a comfortable mutual feeling which helps us to share the intimacy of our thoughts and feelings often regarding everything in life

Jules Pierre and I met through our mutual interest and understanding of Astrology. We discovered we share similar values, and through the similarities within our birth charts we easily created a connection of friendship. Since then we have chatted like we are old friends, while over time, our friendship grows stronger with mutual respect. Jules Pierre is a multi-talented woman who sees the world as a playground of exploration through information. She is a classically trained Pianist, a Fashion Designer, an Astrologer and she is a Mother. She is very deep thinking and open, which is why our podcast conversation goes into depth. We speak on subjects ranging from career, motherhood, femininity, childhood, race and societal healing. It makes for a very interesting listen that connects with everybody through its relatability. The hope is to serve as a moment of self reflection, embracing healing, and future thinking, all connected through words of friendship.

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For those with an interest in Astrology, natal charts, zodiac signs, decans and more.

What Is Friendship?

Friendship results from how we feel when we care about the relationship between ourselves and another person. That relationship is bound by a level of trust and loyalty. This comfortable mutual feeling helps us to share the intimacy of our thoughts and feelings often regarding everything in life. Friendship can be said to have originated from our survival instincts, working strategically as a community, ensuring there is again for all. Now, we use our instincts to help each other gain an emotional balance for the things we view as problems or for gratification in things we view as successes.

Why Good Friends Are So Important

Our friendships are important as they reflect our own sense of value; essentially, how we view ourselves is reflected in the eyes of our friendships. Our friendships help us to feel supported, understood and make us stand strong in our beliefs and shared values. Even as children, we can think of examples of developing our social skills to attract friendships. The playground was the hub of where our friendships were determined and why they were important. It was fun to share in group activities where you could tell a friend why yellow was our favourite colour or why the newest toy was the best toy to have. We would share that belief so strongly that we would explain to our parents why we needed that new toy in our life when we got home. We would be so convinced that our parents would understand the social relevance it had to us and what that mutual understanding would mean for the balance of the parent-child relationship. The sooner we received that toy, the sooner we could go into school and express to our friends that we indeed did share the same beliefs, furthering our youthful need to feel emotionally supported in friendships. Although, just one example, the understanding associated with friendship connections continues into adulthood, and friends become a support system throughout all our experiences. Indeed, the best friendships are those with the ability to evolve, having a committed strength to change as we do.

What Makes A Good Friend?

Shared Love

The best thing about friendship is the love that is extended. We receive encouragement when we share our feelings with each other. In the feelings that are expressed; we understand that sharing those feelings will be received and felt by our friends. The result of our bravery to share will be reflected back to us in a way that will either uplift our mood or hold us firm in our beliefs.

A Unified Bond

We all have a unified bond with our friends that can be so strong in its connection; it becomes selfless, and there can be actions of putting their needs above our own without question. We do this because we are loyal to the mutual understanding that even if we did not ask, we know they would do the same if the situation were turned around. How many times have we said thank you, and the response has been, “You would do the same for me.” And we would.

Clarity of thought

There are times that an issue is too close to our heart, and when we explore those issues with a friend, a friend can give us a different point of view about it. An objective view that can expand our thought process and see a possibly unthought of solution, a light bulb moment and can bring resolution to a nagging issue.

A Listening Ear

Just being there throughout it all. There is nothing more special than a friend who goes through all our life’s turns. We all understand that life can be planned to a certain point; we could be the most analytical and even intuitive person, but it remains the same, there are some things in life we cannot foresee. This is life’s plan. This is why those friendships mean so much to us because when we pick up the phone and hear, “Are you free to talk?” The answer is always, “Yes.”

Growth Of The Soul

Our friends want us to grow in life. They want us to mature and be the result of the things we all have to learn in life. They want to see our progression as we strive towards improving ourselves as they know the strength needed to nurture our aspirations. We know that becoming a higher version of ourselves will affect how they spend their own time, and effort nurturing their own ambitions. We aim to achieve together.

How To Be a Good Friend


When we listen not just to the words said but also to their tone whilst seeing past the emotions presented in that situation, we can hear where the source of the expression originates. By listening attentively, we can understand the whispered messages that emotionally speak to each other, the expressions of the heart filtered through the workings of the mind.


There are those moments when friends do have such a different point of view that it can become a fog for words in a conversation. However, the strength of friendships will tell us to love regardless and understanding, placing us in the position where we can see why our friend would have that point of view. Furthermore, it can reaffirm the appreciation for a friend as we are happy for them to think the way they do. We tend to love them more for it, and it shows.


Most importantly, being thankful is a fundamental key to friendships. Good friends are hard to come by and in the walk of our own lives, we can forget that there is a reason someone enters our life. They show us things about ourselves, and together, we can learn what the balance of that relationship should be, most importantly, how it can enhance each of others wellbeing through gratitude.

What is Friendship?

Friendships are the sum of all the things we reflect in the different areas of our lives. Whether these things are external or internal expressions, our friendships show us who we are within. With the assurance that comes with our friendships, we know that we are understood and, most importantly, loved. We also know that everything that is loved will grow.

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